Innovation of Allianz AG by Invenum

Allianz AG and Invenum - Innovations in the insurance industry

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Innovation of Allianz AG by Invenum


Invenum's technology scouting: Allianz AG's journey to the forefront of insurance innovation

In this blog post, we take an in-depth look at Invenum's role as an innovator and technology scout leading Allianz AG into the future. Discover how Allianz AG has partnered with Invenum to develop innovative loss prevention solutions, optimize cost-income ratios and generate 60 new ideas in insurance through Big Data analytics.

1. the initial situation

2. challenge: innovation in the age of digitalization

3. the approach and solution

4. the role of Invenum in finding disruptive approaches for Allianz AG

5. result - Allianz AG: A pioneer of innovation in the insurance industry

6. summary and outlook

1. the initial situation

Allianz AG was faced with the challenge of holding its own in an innovation-driven competitive landscape with many start-ups and new companies in the insurtech sector. The need to increase cost efficiency and find innovative loss prevention measures became more urgent. This is where Invenum's expertise came into play, providing tailored solutions through technology scouting and the use of state-of-the-art AI tools and AI engines.

Technological developments offer every opportunity to break new ground, and the insurance industry needs to seize and build on the opportunities as new competitors and providers (so-called "Insurtechs") boost competition by offering innovative prevention solutions and cost-effective ways using digital technologies and new developments.

Insurtechs are boosting competition with new technologies.

Allianz AG thus faced the challenge of keeping pace with new innovative providers, insurtechs and rapidly evolving technologies in the insurance industry. At this crucial stage, Invenum stepped up to the plate as an innovator and technology scout. With its expertise in technology scouting and Invenum's advanced AI engines, Invenum provided Allianz AG with tailored solutions.

If you are a decision-maker in a company with a high need for innovation and are looking for disruptive approaches and solutions, please feel free to arrange a consultation with our client advisors.

2. challenge: Innovation and AI in the digital age

The need to remain competitive in the midst of technological disruption.

In the midst of technological disruption, the insurance industry is facing a paradigm shift. Driven by new technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things, the need for companies like Allianz AG to innovate and adapt quickly to change is greater than ever.

The role of technology and innovation at Allianz AG

The introduction and further development of new technologies represents an immense challenge and requires considerable investment. Technology scouting such as that provided by Invenum is crucial here in order to efficiently identify the latest, relevant technologies and to recognize the potential of these technologies. It's not just about keeping up with the competition, but also about taking advantage of the opportunities that Big Data and AI engines and AI engines offer, thus making companies future-proof.

Invenum enables you to keep pace through Big Data and AI engines.

Innovation in the insurance industry

It is not enough to focus on digital strategies for customer acquisition and retention. Insurance companies like Allianz AG face the challenge of looking beyond the obvious benefits of digitalization. The opportunities to save costs and work more efficiently through disruptive technologies and innovations require a comprehensive view and the use of experts like Invenum, who specialize in efficient technology scouting and Big Data analysis.

It is becoming increasingly important for Allianz AG to use advanced AI tools for risk assessment, prevention and claims processing. A broad-based, innovative strategy enables Allianz AG to remain competitive in a highly competitive market. As a pioneer of innovation in the insurance industry, Allianz AG understands the importance of proactively responding to technological upheavals and seizing opportunities for sustainable growth. Analyzing Big Data, trends, innovations and evaluating technologies with the greatest optimization potential are key success factors for Allianz AG in the future. Invenum was able to support Allianz in precisely these challenges and decisions by performing in-depth Big Data analysis and evaluation using their AI engines.

3. the approach and solution

Research and collaboration for future solutions

In this context, Allianz AG started to identify new scientific methods and approaches relevant for insurance-related topics. Through intensive research and technology scouting, innovative solutions in the area of cost optimization and loss prevention were identified.

For more insights into Allianz AG's vision on artificial intelligence, we recommend this article from the official Allianz website.

Invenum: Shape the here and now with AI.

4. the role of Invenum in identifying disruptive approaches for Allianz AG

The partnership with Invenum to increase innovative strength 

Key points here were the use of AI algorithms by Invenum, which make it possible to identify new disruptive approaches or suitable innovation fields in context. 

"We value relevance, accuracy and a close relationship with our customers to understand their needs precisely so we can target appropriate solutions." Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht

Through the use of algorithms, it became clear for the first time that topics from areas such as medicine and the environment have a clear connection to the insurance industry. This is explained both by the fundamental coverage of insurance risks by insurance companies and by their need for investments based on the premiums collected. The identified innovation fields in turn led to a large number of ideas for innovative insurance solutions, which were evaluated by Invenum on the basis of data.

5. result - Allianz AG: Further expanding its pioneering role in the insurance industry through innovation

Overall, Allianz AG has proven through its collaboration with Invenum that it is possible to successfully drive innovative solutions and technologies in the insurance industry. The focus on technology, the right approach and the support of partners like Invenum have helped Allianz AG to further drive its sustainable growth targets and to remain competitive in the insurance industry in the future.

The results of the collaboration include:

1. cost optimization: our innovative prevention solutions can make a significant contribution to reducing the cost-income ratio. This means not only improved efficiency, but also financial relief for Allianz AG.

2. pioneering technology scouting: Through intensive scouting, we have identified new prevention solutions for the insurance industry. This innovative approach paves the way for future success and strengthens Allianz AG's position as a pioneer.

3. industry-wide innovation leadership: Our partnership has enriched not only Allianz AG, but the entire insurance industry. We are setting new standards and driving pioneering approaches in the industry.

4. data-driven vision of the future: Big Data analysis has delivered amazing insights. Over 60 revolutionary ideas have emerged from these analyses. These visionary concepts will continue to drive the future of the insurance industry.

6. summary and outlook

Innovation and new technologies are essential for Allianz AG to be a leader in the dynamic insurance industry. In view of the digital transformation, a targeted innovation strategy was required. Here, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) were at the forefront, supported by Invenum's advanced AI tool. Collaboration with Invenum and accurate technology scouting enabled innovative solutions to be identified and driven forward.

Allianz AG is a prime example of how to integrate innovation into existing business models and constantly adapt to the latest technological developments. However, the future of the insurance industry holds further challenges. The industry must continuously evolve to accommodate technological advances and customer needs while remaining economically efficient. However, with its focus on technology scouting and the further development of disruptive technologies, Allianz AG will be well equipped to remain at the forefront in the years to come.

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Customer Benefits


Evaluate new trends and technologies in the field of prevention.


Identification of 60 new ideas in disruptive future business areas.


The insights gained enabled the alliance to leverage its expertise and develop new services.








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