Innovation by Invenum and ZF Friedrichshafen AG

ZF and Invenum: Automotive Innovations

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Innovation by Invenum and ZF Friedrichshafen AG


Innovation leader in the automotive industry: ZF's path to the top

In this blog post, you will learn how ZF Friedrichshafen AG, in collaboration with Invenum, is mastering the challenges of digital transformation and positioning itself as a pioneer in the automotive industry. Learn more about the partnership between ZF Friedrichshafen AG and Invenum as an innovation driver and technology scout.

1. initial situation

2. challenge: Innovation and AI in the age of digitalization

3. use of Invenum's Big Data Analytics solution to identify and evaluate new areas of research.

4. customer value and innovation 

5. summary and outlook

1. initial situation

In a time of unprecedented change in the automotive industry, ZF Friedrichshafen AG is at the forefront of innovation. One focus of its work is on "vehicle motion control" and autonomous driving technology. The company develops diverse technologies such as sensors, cameras, and radar systems that enable vehicles to sense their surroundings and make decisions based on them. ZF is also developing advanced control algorithms that can precisely respond to and predict changing driving conditions. In this blog post, we look at how the collaboration with Invenum has enriched ZF's groundbreaking developments in "Vehicle Motion Control" and how these technologies could shape the future of mobility.

On the road to electromobility: the automotive industry in transition

The EU's stipulation that, from 2035 onwards, only cars that no longer emit CO2 will be newly registered is forcing all car manufacturers to make maximum efforts to take the only possible route from today's perspective, namely to convert their vehicles to electric drive. It must be said, however, that in markets outside the EU, new registration of combustion vehicles will probably be possible for some time to come, which in turn requires a dual-track strategy for some car manufacturers. Find out here how companies must master the challenge of combining legal requirements for their sustainability with cost-efficient production.

Innovations in the automotive industry are one of the most important success factors.

Autonomous driving: More than just convenience

The second area where enormous changes are coming for car manufacturers is the field of autonomous driving. This is less about legislative requirements and more about the wishes of customers who expect a completely different driving experience in the future. In addition to this gain in comfort, the number of people injured and killed in car accidents can also be expected to fall drastically.

"We are the only supplier in the industry able to comprehensively control all dimensions of driving dynamics. With a view to the megatrends of electromobility and autonomous driving, our chassis technology plays a clear pioneering role." Dr. Peter Holdmann, Head of Chassis Technology Division

Innovation secures competitive advantage

These two key challenges, especially electrification, have led to the emergence of new automakers in recent years that focus exclusively on electric drives and are already competing with established manufacturers in some markets. Automakers, with their market power and financial strength, are forcing the supplier industry to adapt to technological progress. Suppliers who do not focus sufficiently on the topic of innovations will most likely not be able to survive or will have to make do with market niches.

How a traditional company masters change 

ZF Friedrichshafen AG, as a traditional and important supplier to the automotive industry, has recognized that continuous innovation is the key to remaining competitive in the future. The cooperation with Invenum in the field of Big Data Analytics and Technology Scouting is an important step to evaluate the own research activities in the field of "Vehicle Motion Control", e.g. by comparing patents, and to identify suitable M&A partners.

If you are a decision-maker in a company with a high need for innovation and are looking for breakthrough solutions, do not hesitate to arrange a consultation with our customer advisors.

2. challenge: Innovation and AI in the age of digitalization

Shaping the future of mobility

ZF Friedrichshafen AG faces the challenge of holding its own in a rapidly developing automotive sector in which electrification and software-defined vehicles are becoming increasingly important. With a clear focus on the "Vehicle Motion Control" research field, ZF is striving to position itself as a market-leading technology partner and total supplier. Here, technologies such as sensors and cameras play a decisive role, enabling vehicles to be controlled safely under various conditions. The collaboration with Invenum aimed to evaluate ZF's research activities in this field, in particular by comparing patents, and at the same time identify suitable M&A candidates.

3. use of Invenum's Big Data solution to identify and evaluate new fields of research.

The key role of Big Data Analytics and technology scouting at ZF

ZF relied on Invenum's Big Data Analytics solution to identify and evaluate new research fields as well as patents. This qualitative assessment led to the identification of five new innovation fields for the company to explore further. The detailed analysis enabled ZF to target its own patents against the database provided by Invenum. The strategic focus on technology, the precise approach and the partnership with Invenum contributed significantly to ZF Friedrichshafen AG successfully realizing its goals for sustainable growth and further strengthening its competitiveness in the rapidly changing automotive industry.

Automotive innovations: The key to remaining competitive.

4. customer value and innovation 

"Vehicle Motion Control" in focus

By working with Invenum and using its Big Data Analytics solution, ZF Friedrichshafen AG was able to identify and evaluate new research areas, with a particular focus on patent research fronts. The qualitative assessment of 34 such research fronts led to the discovery of five new research areas. This detailed analysis enabled ZF to specifically match its patents with its databases. As a result, the company was not only able to identify its innovation potential, but also to use it effectively. Uncovering "white spots" in the patent landscape and identifying relevant experts and institutions opened up new opportunities for ZF and served as valuable sources of information.

Early recognition of innovation trends becomes a necessity.

5. summary and outlook

The automotive industry is in the midst of a digital transformation, and ZF Friedrichshafen AG is ready to take on the challenges of these changes. Invenum's Big Data analytics and technology scouting have helped the company optimize its innovation strategy and actively shape the future of the industry.

In the partnership between ZF Friedrichshafen AG and Invenum, Invenum emerged as a key player for innovation and technology scouting. With its specialized AI tool and application of BIG DATA analytics, Invenum provided tailored solutions to evaluate and optimize ZF's research fields in the area of "Vehicle Motion Control". By identifying five new research fields and uncovering "white spots" in the patent landscape, Invenum has provided ZF with valuable insights and strategic advantages. This collaboration underscores Invenum's expertise and leadership in technology scouting and positions the company as a preferred partner for forward-looking technology companies.

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Customer Benefits


Overview and evaluation of innovation and technology fields in the area of "Vehicle Motion Control" based on quantitative and qualitative factors.


Identification of "white spots" in the patent landscape that open up opportunities for ZF Friedrichshafen.


Starting points for ideas for new products and services from ZF Friedrichshafen.








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